March Madness

I have wanted to send out tech tips this year, but I have not wanted to add to the everyday stress of your normal day.  I decided to house my tips on this blog and am up for a little March Madness of my own.  This way when you want to find a tip that I have given, you do not have to search through your emails to find it, you will just need to find the link to the blog.  

So, why March Madness?  Besides, the obvious reasons of it being one of the greatest tournaments known to man, it’s March.  The period of time in a teachers year where we are burnt out, tired, and basically mad at everything.  So I am going to try to bring a little brightness to everyday in March by giving you a small (or sometimes big) technology tip.  Here are a few disclaimers for this venture.  

1.  I am burnt out too!  So none of this is original, I just subscribe to a lot of different technology blogs and twitter feeds and have lots of little items to share.  It seems I never get the time too.

2.  I am going to try to make sure everyone’s content gets covered somehow.  Please feel free to share your ideas in the comments on my blog, but as you will see from one of the articles I share with you this month the tone of comments can affect the readers interpretation of an article.  Professional courtesy extended, I will delete anyone who invades my happy space with a storm cloud.  🙂

3.  I will also present you with a few items that may be for personal use and not just the classroom.  We need to take care of us too!

Please enjoy my madness and let me know if you have any ideas or would like to use anything that I have shared!